Sunday, September 25, 2011

Homemade Lady Grey Latte

I had originally wanted a Chai tea latte this morning. But I'm all out of Chai. So, then I thought I'd try my hand at a London Fog, which is a latte using Earl Grey tea. Looking in my tea cupboard, it seems my good hubby has used up all our Earl Grey. Grrr.

Then I found the Lady Grey.

History Lesson Alert!:
Similar to Earl Grey, it's of higher quality leaves, due to the lighter seasoning of lemon and orange oils. It's light and lovely. It's caffeinated, as it is a black tea, but you can get it in decaf. Many people love to use it as an iced tea, since it's such a citrusey flavour. It has a natural sweetness to it. Originated by Twinings, the Grey teas were named for the second Earl Grey, who served as Prime Minister in the 1830's, and his wife, Mary Elizabeth Grey.

On to the recipe! So very easy to do at home. In fact, can really be done with any of your favourite black teas. I like a nice decent sized latte. So I drink mine straight from my measuring cup. It's heavy duty glass.

Pour one cup of boiling water over your loose leaf, or tea bag. Add one tablespoon of honey to sweeten a bit. You can tweak this later depending on your own tastes.

In a lidded, microwavable cup, pour 1 and a half cups of milk. Any kind will do, but the heavier the fat, the harder it will be to get it to foam. I use 2%. Now, close the lid and shake shake shake!!! This creates the foam for your latte. It also prevents a gross skin from developing on the top of your milk when it's heated. Take the lid off and nuke that sucker for about 1 minute. (You can also do all this in a sauce pan, heating slowly and using a whisk to create your foam. Just don't allow it to boil as that will kill your foam.)

Now pour your hot milk slowly onto your tea. Your foam should naturally wait til last before floating onto the top like a perfect puff of yumminess.

This would look yummier in my normal mugs, but those aren't big enough for my likes. It still tastes rad.

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